INSTRUCTIONS: This document specifies the keys and associated actions stonesense can recognize. The syntax is: [:: ... ] If the closing brace is preceeded by an asterisk: [*] then the keys specified will repeat each frame until released, otherwise it will occur exactly once each time the character is registered. It is possible to specify the same action on multiple lines, or to leave action names out of the list completely. Listing multiple actions on the same line is not supported. Likewise listing the same key for multiple actions will result in only the last action listed being the one taken when the key is pressed. Currently only keyboard events are supported; stonesense's mouse events are all hardcoded. A complete listing of valid actions and key values can be found at the bottom of this file. KEYBINDINGS: [ROTATE:KEYS_ENTER] [RELOAD_SEGMENT:KEY_R] [TOGGLE_DESIGNATIONS:KEY_D] [TOGGLE_STOCKS:KEY_I] [TOGGLE_ZONES:KEY_U] [TOGGLE_OCCLUSION:KEY_O] [TOGGLE_CREATURE_MOODS:KEY_M] [TOGGLE_CREATURE_PROFS:KEY_P] [TOGGLE_CREATURE_JOBS:KEY_J] [TOGGLE_CREATURE_NAMES:KEY_N] [CHOP_WALLS:KEY_C] [CYCLE_TRACKING_MODE:KEY_F] [RESET_VIEW_OFFSET:KEY_Z] [DECR_SEGMENT_Z:KEY_1] [INCR_SEGMENT_Z:KEY_2] [TOGGLE_SINGLE_LAYER:KEY_S] [TOGGLE_SHADE_HIDDEN_TILES:KEY_B] [TOGGLE_SHOW_HIDDEN_TILES:KEY_H] [TOGGLE_OSD:KEYF_2] [TOGGLE_KEYBINDS:KEYS_SLASH] [INCR_ZOOM:KEYS_FULLSTOP] [DECR_ZOOM:KEYS_COMMA] [SCREENSHOT:KEYF_5] [INCR_RELOAD_TIME:KEYPAD_PLUS] [DECR_RELOAD_TIME:KEYPAD_MINUS] [CREDITS:KEYF_9] [DECR_Y:KEYS_UP*] [INCR_Y:KEYS_DOWN*] [DECR_X:KEYS_LEFT*] [INCR_X:KEYS_RIGHT*] [DECR_Z:KEYS_PGDN:KEY_9] [INCR_Z:KEYS_PGUP:KEY_0] VALID ACTIONS: Actions: Explanation: NOOP do nothing (default) ROTATE rotate the displayed map segment RELOAD_SEGMENT reload the segment (meaningless when auto-reload enabled) PAINT draw the loaded segment (meaningless when auto-reload enabled) TOGGLE_DESIGNATIONS toggle display of designations TOGGLE_STOCKS toggle display of stockpiles TOGGLE_ZONES toggle display of activity zones TOGGLE_OCCLUSION toggle the occlusion culling TOGGLE_CREATURE_MOODS toggle display of creature mood icons TOGGLE_CREATURE_PROFS cycle through display of profession indicators (disabled/icons/colored names) TOGGLE_CREATURE_JOBS cycle through display of job indicators (disabled/icons/text descriptions) TOGGLE_CREATURE_NAMES toggle the display of creature names CHOP_WALLS cycle through wall sprite chopping options CYCLE_TRACKING_MODE cycle through modes for following DF RESET_VIEW_OFFSET reset the view offset TOGGLE_SINGLE_LAYER toggle single layer mode TOGGLE_SHADE_HIDDEN_TILES toggle shading hidden tiles TOGGLE_SHOW_HIDDEN_TILES toggle showing hidden tiles TOGGLE_OSD toggle the onscreen display (currently this is just minimal text info) TOGGLE_KEYBINDS toggle display of keybind information INCR_ZOOM increase the zoom DECR_ZOOM decrease the zoom SCREENSHOT take a screenshot (alt: volumetric screenshot / ctrl: megashot / shift+ctrl: full-depth megashot) INCR_RELOAD_TIME increase the reload timer DECR_RELOAD_TIME decrease the reload timer CREDITS show credits DECR_SEGMENT_X decrease/increase the corresponding displayed segment size coordinate INCR_SEGMENT_X DECR_SEGMENT_Y INCR_SEGMENT_Y DECR_SEGMENT_Z INCR_SEGMENT_Z DECR_X decrease/increase the corresponding segment position coordinate (alt: continue following DF / ctrl: DECR_SEGMENT_*) INCR_X DECR_Y INCR_Y DECR_Z INCR_Z VALID KEYS: Key Names: Explanation: INVALID nokey (default) KEY_A a KEY_B b KEY_C c KEY_D d KEY_E e KEY_F f KEY_G g KEY_H h KEY_I i KEY_J j KEY_K k KEY_L l KEY_M m KEY_N n KEY_O o KEY_P p KEY_Q q KEY_R r KEY_S s KEY_T t KEY_U u KEY_V v KEY_W w KEY_X x KEY_Y y KEY_Z z KEY_0 0 KEY_1 1 KEY_2 2 KEY_3 3 KEY_4 4 KEY_5 5 KEY_6 6 KEY_7 7 KEY_8 8 KEY_9 9 KEYPAD_0 0 (keypad) KEYPAD_1 1 (keypad) KEYPAD_2 2 (keypad) KEYPAD_3 3 (keypad) KEYPAD_4 4 (keypad) KEYPAD_5 5 (keypad) KEYPAD_6 6 (keypad) KEYPAD_7 7 (keypad) KEYPAD_8 8 (keypad) KEYPAD_9 8 (keypad) KEYF_1 F1 KEYF_2 F2 KEYF_3 F3 KEYF_4 F4 KEYF_5 F5 KEYF_6 F6 KEYF_7 F7 KEYF_8 F8 KEYF_9 F9 KEYF_10 F10 KEYF_11 F11 KEYF_12 F12 KEYS_ESCAPE escape key (overridden by hardcoded commands) KEYS_TILDE ~ KEYS_MINUS - KEYS_EQUALS = KEYS_BACKSPACE (backspace) KEYS_TAB (tab) KEYS_OPENBRACE [ KEYS_CLOSEBRACE ] KEYS_ENTER (enter) KEYS_SEMICOLON ; KEYS_QUOTE '' KEYS_BACKSLASH \ KEYS_BACKSLASH2 (only on german keyboards or something) KEYS_COMMA , KEYS_FULLSTOP . KEYS_SLASH / KEYS_SPACE (spacebar) KEYS_INSERT (insert) KEYS_DELETE (delete) KEYS_HOME (home) KEYS_END (end) KEYS_PGUP (page up) KEYS_PGDN (page down) KEYS_LEFT (left arrow) KEYS_RIGHT (right arrow) KEYS_UP (up arrow) KEYS_DOWN (down arrow) KEYPAD_SLASH / (keypad) KEYPAD_ASTERISK * (keypad) KEYPAD_MINUS - (keypad) KEYPAD_PLUS + (keypad) KEYPAD_DELETE (keypad delete) KEYPAD_ENTER (keypad enter) KEYS_PRINTSCREEN (print screen) KEYS_PAUSE (pause) KEYS_ABNT_C1 (???) KEYS_YEN (???) KEYS_KANA (???) KEYS_CONVERT (???) KEYS_NOCONVERT (???) KEYS_AT (???) KEYS_CIRCUMFLEX (???) KEYS_COLON2 (???) KEYS_KANJI (???) KEYPAD_EQUALS (MacOS X only) KEYS_BACKQUOTE (MacOS X only) KEYS_SEMICOLON2 (MacOS X only) KEYS_COMMAND (MacOS X only)