.. _structures.units: ##### units ##### .. _structures.units.unit_flags1: units.unit_flags1 ================= .. code-block:: xml Can the dwarf move or are they waiting for their movement timer Dead (might also be set for incoming/leaving critters that are alive) Currently in mood Had a mood already wide class of invader/inside creature attackers Is currently drowning An active merchant used for units no longer linked to merchant/diplomacy, they just try to leave mostly left the map Is riding an another creature Can swap tiles during movement (prevents multiple swaps) The creature is laying on the floor, can be conscious Launched into the air? Funny. Active invader (for organized ones) Invader origin (could be inactive and fleeing) Will flee if invasion turns around Active marauder/invader moving inward? Marauder resident/invader moving in all the way Check against flows next time you get a chance Is an important historical figure .. _structures.units.unit_flags2: units.unit_flags2 ================= .. code-block:: xml Do not notify about level gains (for embark etc) Is important historical figure (slight variation) Has been killed by kill function (slightly different from dead, not necessarily violent death) Must be forgotten by forget function (just cleanup) Must be deleted (cleanup) Recently forgotten (cleanup) Offered for trade Locked in for trading (it's a projectile on the other set of flags, might be what the flying was) marked for slaughter Underworld creature Current resident Marked for special cleanup as unused load from unit block on disk Insulation from clothing calculated Uninvited guest Inventory order calculated Vision -- have good part Vision -- have damaged part Vision -- have missing part Breathing -- have good part Breathing -- having a problem .. _structures.units.unit_flags3: units.unit_flags3 ================= .. code-block:: xml cleared if removing StuckIn item to recompute wound flags. causes the health structure to be created or updated Announces creature like an FB or titan. Is set to 1 every tick for non-dead creatures. Blocks all kind of things until tile is revealed. Scuttle creature: causes creature to be killed, leaving a behind corpse and generating negative thoughts like a real kill. dropped when znew >= zold something to do with werewolves? for active_invaders trapavoid trapavoid v0.40.01 .. _structures.units.unit_flags4: units.unit_flags4 ================= .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.value_type: units.value_type ================ .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.goal_type: units.goal_type =============== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.personality_facet_type: units.personality_facet_type ============================ .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.physical_attribute_type: units.physical_attribute_type ============================= .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.mental_attribute_type: units.mental_attribute_type =========================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.mood_type: units.mood_type =============== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.ghost_type: units.ghost_type ================ .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.animal_training_level: units.animal_training_level =========================== .. code-block:: xml Seems to be used as default when not flags1.tame .. _structures.units.unit_report_type: units.unit_report_type ====================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.skill_rating: units.skill_rating ================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_relationship_type: units.unit_relationship_type ============================ .. code-block:: xml -- Can be checked through viewscreen_layer_unit_relationshipst Used in unit.relations .. _structures.units.need_type: units.need_type =============== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit: units.unit ========== .. code-block:: xml E.g. for a dead miner, holds the place where he was likely hanging around when he got the command to mine in an aquifer. -1 n/a, 0 female, 1 male v0.34.01 v0.40.01 used by necromancers for corpse locations, siegers etc from 23a v0.34.06 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 once 0, it heads for the edge and leaves once 0, it vanishes in a puff of smoke This was used by a vampire scared of cave creatures and doing FleeFromOpponent panic v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 genes from mate caste of mate copied from mood type upon entering strange mood v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 could there be a death of old age time?? invalid unless following 0 = riding, 1 = being carried, 2/3 = wagon horses, 4 = wagon merchant v0.34.08 items brought to trade depot entries remain even when items are destroyed amount earned recently for jobs v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.14 df_job counts down from 50000, insanity upon reaching zero GETS_INFECTIONS_FROM_ROT sets; DISEASE_RESISTANCE reduces; >=300 causes bleeding product of all H/B/LENGTH body modifiers, in % description uses bp_modifiers[style_list_idx[index]] dec per job_counter reroll, can_swap if 0 counts up while winded, results in death plus a random amount moved from end of counters in 0.43.05 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01; guess! v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.42.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 blocks nausea causing vomit hunger leads to death only when 0 for wagons used for ghost in AttackedByDead thought pathing flags to OR, set to 0 after move v0.34.01 -- Sorted by type: Contains worn clothes, armor, weapons, arrows fired by archers v0.34.01 v0.43.01 v0.43.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 0 accuses, 1 corpse bit 0 accuses v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.24 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.42.01 v0.40.01 with modifiers 1e-6 v0.42.01 from physical descriptions for use in adv .. _structures.units.ghost_goal: units.ghost_goal ================ .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_ghost_info: units.unit_ghost_info ===================== .. code-block:: xml seems to have same value as type time since last action in tiles, global to world .. _structures.units.unit_genes: units.unit_genes ================ .. code-block:: xml length matches body_appearance_modifiers + tissue_appearance_modifiers two items per color modifier .. _structures.units.unit_inventory_item: units.unit_inventory_item ========================= .. code-block:: xml also shield, crutch quiver attached to clothing e.g. bandage string descr like Worn Left shoulder, right shoulder, or head, selected randomly using pet_seed RNG seed for Pet mode -1 unless suture .. _structures.units.unit_attribute: units.unit_attribute ==================== .. code-block:: xml effective = value - soft_demotion counts to PHYS_ATT_RATES improve cost; then value++ counts to PHYS_ATT_RATES unused rate; then rust_counter++ 0-100; when not 0 blocks improve_counter counts to PHYS_ATT_RATES rust; then demotion_counter++ counts to PHYS_ATT_RATES demotion; then value--; soft_demotion++ .. _structures.units.unit_syndrome: units.unit_syndrome =================== .. code-block:: xml refers to unit_wound by id from spatter size for SIZE_DELAYS if PROB roll fails, or all symptoms expire set from unit.reinfection_count[i]++ cause rq_diagnosis: causes health.flags.needs_healthcare less sick? fever: 5-19 low, 20-* full .. _structures.units.wound_effect_type: units.wound_effect_type ======================= .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.wound_damage_flags1: units.wound_damage_flags1 ========================= .. code-block:: xml straight scar huge dent ? jagged scar huge dent jagged scar jagged scar .. _structures.units.wound_damage_flags2: units.wound_damage_flags2 ========================= .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_wound: units.unit_wound ================ .. code-block:: xml v0.42.01 v0.42.01 v0.42.01 in compound fracture v0.40.06 v0.42.01 v0.42.01 .. _structures.units.curse_attr_change: units.curse_attr_change ======================= .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.wound_curse_info: units.wound_curse_info ====================== .. code-block:: xml v0.40.01 v0.42.01 v0.42.01 .. _structures.units.misc_trait_type: units.misc_trait_type ===================== .. code-block:: xml auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement upon reaching zero, resident creature gets named auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-increment to 403200 auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement 0-20, 200 on failed path, auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement created at 200, blocks repath?, auto-decrement triggered by BEACH_FREQUENCY, auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement 0-2000, auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement, set military pickup flag upon reaching zero auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement one trigger => --training_level, auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement auto-decrement .. _structures.units.unit_misc_trait: units.unit_misc_trait ===================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_item_wrestle: units.unit_item_wrestle ======================= .. code-block:: xml 1 grabs, -1 grabbed .. _structures.units.unit_item_use: units.unit_item_use =================== .. code-block:: xml min 50 for attached, 1000 for name .. _structures.units.unit_health_flags: units.unit_health_flags ======================= .. code-block:: xml needs diagnosis but cannot walk ???; set when rq_diagnosis is, and not blocked by having a diagnosis .. _structures.units.unit_bp_health_flags: units.unit_bp_health_flags ========================== .. code-block:: xml used to remove once not needed used to remove once not needed .. _structures.units.unit_health_info: units.unit_health_info ====================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.orientation_flags: units.orientation_flags ======================= .. code-block:: xml only seen on adventurers .. _structures.units.unit_soul: units.unit_soul =============== .. code-block:: xml -1 n/a, 0 female, 1 male v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.34.01 v0.40.01 v0.42.01 .. _structures.units.unit_instrument_skill: units.unit_instrument_skill =========================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_poetic_skill: units.unit_poetic_skill ======================= .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_musical_skill: units.unit_musical_skill ======================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_dance_skill: units.unit_dance_skill ====================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_personality: units.unit_personality ====================== .. code-block:: xml v0.40.01 v0.40.01 for certain thoughts v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.01 v0.40.14 v0.40.14 v0.40.17-19 v0.40.17-19 for pray need goes to 400 when unit satisfies need how fast focus_level decreases when it below 0 v0.42.01 focus_level is below -999 for at least one need v0.42.01 sum of inebriation or so personality changing effects v0.42.01 v0.42.01 weighted sum of needs focus_level-s usually number of needs multiplied by 4 .. _structures.units.unit_action_type: units.unit_action_type ====================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_action: units.unit_action ================= .. code-block:: xml cannot put bitfields inside unions 0=wrestle, 1=grab refers to weapon_attack or caste_attack cannot put bitfields inside unions prepare recover this fails because codegen generates a constructor for entity_event .. _structures.units.unit_skill: units.unit_skill ================ .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_preference: units.unit_preference ===================== .. code-block:: xml holdover from 40d and earlier feeds into a simple RNG to choose which prefstring to use .. _structures.units.unit_complaint: units.unit_complaint ==================== .. code-block:: xml no longer used .. _structures.units.unit_request: units.unit_request ================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_coin_debt: units.unit_coin_debt ==================== .. code-block:: xml .. _structures.units.unit_chunk: units.unit_chunk ================ .. code-block:: xml unit_*.dat